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All individuals go through the following stages in their life:

Older Adulthood


The nutrient need varies in each of the above stages. It also depends on the gender (from childhood onwards) and stages characterized by growth and development have increased nutrient requirement eg: Infancy, Childhood, Adolescence and Pregnancy.

There is a strong relationship between diet and health. A well balanced diet at key stages in ones life cycle can provide long term benefits. To give an example using a key stage like pregnancy-it’s a well researched fact that an adult woman with a poor Nutritional Status will give birth to an infant whose Nutritional Status is also compromised. This infant is less equipped to resist chronic diseases later in life. The cognitive function and learning skills are also not as good as its well nourished peers. This baby is most likely to grow into an adult with a compromised Nutritional Status (unless necessary dietary interventions are taken) and bear children reflecting the same problem. Hence the effects of poor nutrition can span generations.

At N U T R E W I S E we can give you relevant nutritional advice and Nutritional/Diet plans for each stage of your lifecycle or of someone you know. Please browse through the stage relevant to you for more information.

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